Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dingo book

Here are a few rough images from a book about a dingo-

trouble is I haven't seen the contract yet so I'm feeling a bit unsettled that I'd even done this much.

Playful Poppy

Not so rough- but not highly polished either. Time is the thing once again,- and although I spent too long- it still wasn't enough, But then I have to get onto my dinosaur book for real now and this poppy book really messed things up.
Oddly though again in the last month I've had difficulty focussing while drawing. But
I'm feeling good and focussed about the dinosaur book so lets hope I can make time over christmas.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Leafy tree dragon

Another dragon disguised as a tree-( part inspired by the weedy sea dragon.).
Trouble with drawing in pen is when you mess up like with the dark haired kid drawing on the right- you can't expunge it- well I might do so with photoshop.

Also noticed that I no longer look like my picture- the last 3 years has made me old quickly. I've been trying to get back into swimming and thats helped- but I'll put up a truthful picture soon.
Or better yet go back to Tokyo and get another one done there.

And a quickly shaded sketch of a hillside village house for the Shadow King story.
Kind of imagined the stairs going up drawbridge style and the  front"deck" and awning folding down when theres trouble/at night. Thought maybe the shape and the stones might help in winter against avalanches.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Gentlemen prefer......

Fill the blank,
it is the internet after all.

While you are searching ....a few variations to pass the time.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The horror

Some more dino book rough thumbs above FYI- some a bit "spot the difference".
Some what I describe as a 'descent into madness' type of fiddling.
Its been a fairly dire week- behind in everything,-thoughts turn to digging ditches for a living instead.
Dire month really.
On a positive note the  quality of people who turn me down still continues to improve.
Positive side of positive note- more time to do my own work I'd been fanging to work on- if only I had gotten through stuff.

Everything that can go wrong is it seems, my hands are sore and hard to close too and when I do the skin on my fingers splits and bleeds.....what fun.
I was sent the large version of Kind Katie-a Little Mates book- and the first picture on the title page is screwed- looks like its missing a photoshop layer or two in the eyes and mouth- dreadful manky looking koala as a result. I'll check but I'm sure I didn't upload it like that- something must have happened at the dream factory end..
On a positive bit of news- Wombat went a Walking  is 10000 copies in print- which is small by any standard other than Australia- where its a triumph given its been on sale just 2 months. I think its initial run was much please let me get a royalty check for christmas so I can buy some new hands.
On another positive note I did a few sketches for the shadow king that I liked and another tree dragon in my sketchbook. Just need to scan them in.

On the topic of christmas lists- Mary Ryans bookshop of Milton you are not on my list- you sell neither my Little  Mates books or my Wombat book- you may expect coal at best and not the clean variety.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Shadow king 2

More Ideas for the shadow king
Possibly a bit gruesome- might try something a bit more shadowy and ghosty.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Poppy the platypus roughs

Here she is pretending to be a pirate and a painter in one spread- a couple of options.
I liked the idea of her digging holes everywhere in search of treasure.

And I liked my pokes at 'art'- well I don't know much about art but I know what I like....right?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Black things

This morning,
I have a total avalanche of things to attend to but I'm hoping this will get me focussed the way it did last time.
Quite like the batty looking orc heads on the right.

Urban Cool

10 minutes of the present brings a vision of the future-
Australian Streetwear 2025!
Imagined in the only remaining 5 sq m free space in Australia!
All that swirling radiation from failed reactors in India and Indonesia- the oppressive climate change heat, the rising sea levels
And they thought I was uncool- unhip, -not with it.
If skynet hasn't taken over and you are looking at this page 14 years in the future- remember you saw it here first.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dinosaur book -different end.

Looks like the dinosaur book isn't being called Goldie- and the end pages are being changed so Grandpa is moreobviously in on it- and the reason for the  tameness of the dinosaur  a bit more obvious.
Here's some ideass of Grandpa showing the book of dinosaurs he had made in his travels in the dinosaur time.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Kancho!- some teachers

A couple of teacher ideas for the Kancho game,
Mr Hardy -an australian teacher beamed in from the 70's-   kids these days wouldn't get it I suppose.
And Herman Bott - ex Nazi rocket scientist - a man with a seemingly easy target for Kancho-
If it weren't for his cybernetic rocket booster ass.

But I suppose male teachers are a curiousity in themselves- do any exist these days?

Also below a pirate with a toaster hat...don't ask me why.