Saturday, April 9, 2016

Late night anim test

Trying again but with something more complex-
moral- After effect CS5 kind of feels like a pain.
It has tools for sort of massaging keys but getting keys in the first place is a pain.
 The stacking order of the layers makes going about the hierarchy a pain when you are trying select keys.
*edit 1 week later- I can see now,  how I could have rearranged the nulls after setting it all up, to a better list to access instead of leaving each piece under its null + the shy layers etc*

Back left leg seems to hold a bit at the ends of its forward stride
oh well its late.....

I see there's a market full of animation plugins for after effects- like the IK I was wondering after- (but seemed kind of limited still).
Also see people use expressions to create interface /animation controls and I can see why.

I guess cs5(my current copy) is sort of old but given the state of animation technology back then its just crap to not have it in there- and expect people to shell out for functionality.
Anyway -
 the boy, the dinosaurs arms and neck are segmented but I hadn't  got that far..
.the last thing I started on was the head...heads movement a bit much at the moment-needs fixing.

I used the dinosaur from my "standing paper cut out page" so it has chunky legs.
...makes it a bit Terry Gilliam/Monty Python..

Rough again so I could fix the layers in photoshop once the movement was in and I could see how the segments worked.

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