Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Witchy trolly zsketch

just quickly before getting onto little mates this morning. Its not quite like the thumbnail scribble I based it on. Its all bobbly zspheres still, like the dragon in progress, but I find even in this early form its encouraging.


Pete Mullins said...

Hey Lach...ZBrush!! I tried to play around with it once...found it all a bit hard.
Beautiful results you're getting here, though.
Your anatomy always flaws me.
Wouldn't it be great if one day you could 'print' these out in plastic or something.
Lovely work, Lach

lach said...

Hey Pete,
thanks for that.
Thanks for stopping by too....gets lonely out here in blogland.
Maybe I need a lucky comment prize.

As for zbrush- well I was the same- I had very very brief look at it years ago and it was the whole interface thing made it too much- but in its current incarnation , honestly I think you'll love it, and not hard at all interfacewise.
With the zsketch stuff theres no need to have to model anything to get an idea going.